Continuous Professional Development Sessions

Continuous Professional Development Sessions:

The school conducted CPD sessions for teachers from 31st May 2021 to June 2nd, 2021. These sessions helped them in finding the best in what they could do, how best could use the various tools, how best  they could plan their time and stay organized, how to be efficient and focus on only what matters ' the students'.

Session 1 - Framing Objectives based on the Higher Levels of the Bloom's Taxonomy

Framing and sharing of the lesson objectives with students is an integral part of a successful teaching learning experience. We endeavoured to refresh our educator’s knowledge on this facet of teaching by showcasing how to frame effective lesson objectives and use action verbs from the higher levels of the Bloom's Taxonomy. The ultimate aim was to raise the level of challenge  for the students and make lessons more interesting.

Session 2 - Pair Work and Group Work Activities

The teachers were introduced to various Pair and Group work activities that could be incorporated in their classes. The importance of collaboration was discussed based on research studies and its widespread use by many educators around the world. Different ways were suggested with which these activities could be taken up in online classes using interactive tools such as Zoom Breakout Rooms, Padlet, Nearpod and Jamboard.

Session 3 - Plenary Activities

The teachers were shown Creative Plenary activities. They were briefed about their importance and necessity in the class. Teachers also actively participated and experienced the use of the plenary activities like The Wheel of Fortune, Magic in Memorising, What’s the Question and Picture Your Learning.

Session 4 - Ed Tech Tools Refresher


The teachers explored the basics of Nearpod last year and so this year, the advanced features of Nearpod were demonstrated. They were briefed on how the tool could be integrated in their teaching- learning process. Many other collaborative tools within Nearpod, like Sway, VR, PHeT, Gamification, Collaborate Board were shown to the teachers. As most of the teachers are well acquainted with the tool, the advanced features would be a great value to their lessons.


Quizziz is the platform where quizzes and lessons can be created in a very innovative manner. Pre-made material is available for all subjects, they can be selected and edited as required. Multiple question types can be used and the answers are automatically corrected, which makes grading easy and fun. In class, quiz races can also be conducted using this tool.


Jamboard is a collaborative white board which allows students to work on it at the same time. It has many features with which students can interact with each other and the teacher. This allows pair and group activities to be conducted within the online classes. It is a built-in feature on Google Meet and hence very easy to use.

Live Worksheets

Live Worksheets allows us to transform our traditional printable worksheets (doc, pdf, jpg...) into interactive online exercises with self-correction, which we call "interactive worksheets". Interactive worksheets take full advantage of the new technologies applied to education: they may include sounds, videos, drag and drop exercises, join with arrows, multiple choice and even speaking exercises that the students can work using the microphone. The teachers were explained how to make interactive worksheets and even how to search and take advantage of the existing worksheets.

Session 5 - Teacher and Student Wellness

MSB Bangalore has introduced an innovative Wellness Program for its Teachers and Students for this academic year, to ensure their prosperity in multiple facets of Wellness. Fixed slots once a week for participation in the wellness activities are planned for both the teachers as well as the students.

MSB Bangalore ensures that all the teachers practice their self care, continuously improve upon their skills to be updated with the latest teaching strategies and technologies, hence  be able to  benefit the students to the maximum.


The CPD sessions were conducted by in house trainers and immensely helped in preparing our educators for the forthcoming academic year.

  • Centre:MSB Bangalore
  • Date:31 May,2021

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