Visit to the Rainwater Harvesting Theme Park and Museum of Paper Currency

Visit to the Rainwater Harvesting Theme Park and Museum of Paper Currency:

Not all classrooms have four walls. On 17th January 2024, class VIII and IX had the privilege of visiting two significant attractions in Bangalore - the Sir M Visvesvaraya Rainwater Harvesting Theme Park and Rezwan Razzack Museum of  Paper Currency.

The purpose of the field trip was to enhance understanding of water conservation and explore the history of paper currency.

Sir M Visvesvaraya Rainwater Harvesting Theme Park is a unique initiative aimed at promoting awareness about rainwater harvesting and sustainable water management.

The park is named after the renowned engineer and statesman Sir M Visvesvaraya, who played a crucial role in the construction of the Krishna Raja Sagar Dam. It features informative exhibits explaining the importance of rainwater harvesting, various techniques, and its positive impact on the environment.

There were practical demonstration areas showcasing different rainwater harvesting systems, including rooftop harvesting, surface runoff harvesting, and well recharge.

Knowledgeable guides conducted interactive sessions with our students, providing valuable insights into the historical context of water conservation efforts in the region.

The Rezwan Razzack Museum of Paper Currency is dedicated to preserving and showcasing the history of paper currency in India. The museum is named after its founder, Mr. Rezwan Razzack. He is a passionate collector of currency notes. The museum houses a vast collection of rare and historic currency notes, spanning different eras and periods of Indian history. Informative displays provided insights into the evolution of currency, the art of note printing, and the economic history of the country.

Knowledgeable guides offered detailed explanations of significant currency notes and shared intriguing stories behind their issuance.

The field trip to the Sir M Visvesvaraya Rainwater Harvesting Theme Park and the Rezwan Razzack Museum of Paper Currency was both educational and enlightening. It provided our students valuable knowledge on sustainable water practices and a fascinating journey through the history of Indian currency.

  • Centre:MSB Bangalore
  • Date:17 Jan,2024

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